After the fight Gloria invites the ladies to her house for a bar-be-q and everyone is invited except Malaysia. This is Gloria's first time seeing all the ladies since the fight and she says she wants to clear something up. Immediately Jackie and Imani are spelling the beans. You know how we women gossip..."Gloria says I sent a text to Malaysia saying I am xxxing her up on site," "Jackie says Malaysia's real name is Laquesha, and Imani adds in I knew you were a rat which is said to Malaysia from Laura."
I feel like the fight started between the ladies, because Laura called Malaysia a rat. Although it was not necessary to say something like that, I think Malaysia just over reacted. Ladies we do that from time to time....We will be sitting down with our girls having a good time and we will sometimes call one another a bxxch, hoe, slut, or something to that effect. Any other time those words would probably be unacceptable, but during that time it was not. It was totally appropriate...
The ladies begin to talk about how Tanya was not helping and Jackie stated she begged Tonya to help and all Tonya said was "I'm not getting in that mess, that's ghetto."
Now that's who they should have jump on. How can your so call friend say she is not going to help you and you are getting your behind kick. That is totally a WOW factor for me. Let me just give you an example, if I was going out with my sisters and one of my sisters bought a friend along, I would totally have the friend's back if a fight broke out. For one, she is one of us tonight and two, I would want her to do the same for me. Now, that is not to say I would fight the other person, but I would try to break it up. Well, Tanya all of sudden walks in while Gloria, Jackie, and Imani are in on their conversation about the fight.
Tanya says, " I heard my name..."
As the ladies gather on Gloria's couch to discuss why Tanya did not help, this is what she had to say..."I did not know what a hood rat was, so I googled it. Sometimes adding another hand does not help the situation." Imani tells Tanya it just seemed like you were waiting on the bus and Tanya says I don't take buses (lol, she took the joke too literally). Gloria steps in and says, "what situation would you jump in?" You can tell on the show Tanya begins to get a little frazzle and finally says this is not going anywhere and I have made my point. She leaves without anyone knowing exactly what that point is.
Goodbye Tanya....Jackie says everybody has written Tanya off and that beautiful peaceful BS is not going to work (LMBO)....
Gloria invites the ladies to paintball. She has also invited another chick who the ladies will all soon meet....Draya comes down the walk way with her Louis Vuitton purse, saying everyone hates the new girls, but she says she can handle anything being thrown at her. Jackie's first impression was "where did Gloria find this little girl?" I must admit, I am in love with Draya. She adds so much spunk on the show and I love her facial expressions. Although she seems much younger than the other ladies, I think she will have them on their toes and she will fit in just fine.
After the paintball, which I might add Draya was the last girl standing, the ladies sit down and chat. There is a party happening Saturday that Draya invites all the ladies to she says to break the ice, but judging by what she asks Imani, I think she broke that ice a little too soon. Draya asked Imani did she remember doing a group bowling in Houston with her man (not sure the name) and Draya. Imani says no and who is my man...Imani then believes Draya is trying to start something, because she states she has never meet Draya in her life.
Jackie comments and says there should be no secrets, but then all of a sudden it clicks in Imani head where she knows Draya from. OMG, it sounded so fake on the show...Imani says "Then it clicks. It all comes rushing back in my mind. I know exactly who this girl is and what she does, Did you use to be a stripper?" Draya says yes and she just stop being a stripper two years ago. She says it just kind of was not a full pledge deal (yeah right). At this point Gloria states Draya is the enemy in a lot basketball wives eyes and she is the one that ruins relationships.
Imani says she did not come from a background where that was acceptable and she has a problem with Draya being a former stripper (stop judging girl). She goes on to say she had kids on her own and was very young, but she never had to morally cross that line to herself for four quarters (Lmbo).
Jacki asked Draya is she consider a jump off...By now all the focus is completely on Draya as the questions are coming in from every angle, but Draya says "They desire to see her perspire, but she is not going to let the girls see her sweat, although they are annoying her."
Okay, so lets just back up, first we found out Draya was a former stripper and then everyone goes judging her like they have not made mistakes. I do not approve of her being a stripper, but if that was the best she knew how to take care of business, then I how can you judge her. At least she does not have to do it now. I think these ladies need to be more of a sister or role model to her, instead of pointing fingers and forming an opinion about her. Which is exactly what Laura wants to do. Imani says she is willing to put on her cape and save Draya too, but she does not want to waste her time if she does not want to be save.
Laura and Malaysia's apology
Laura realizes she over reacted with Malaysia and says it was not all her fault. She says she has a whole laundry list of stuff she is going through and one day she will sit down and tell Malaysia because she feels all Malaysia truly knows about her is what she has read from online. This seems so fake to me, like it was skit. Both of the ladies were soft spoken and how can you just be friends after the kind of brawl they just had. I mean this just wasn't some cursing words. There was hair pulling, bleeding, fists being thrown, and words said you could never take back. I just don't how they were able to make up so easily with this only being the second episode. Sounds fishy...
Passion Party
Was this a passion party with a life coach or a sex party, because for some reason Draya and Laura got the wrong ideal about the party. Well, to confirm this was a passion party with a life coach to discuss the girl's purpose in life and the success they can have out of it. Each of the ladies pulled a card and what ever the word on the card was, they would say passion or not passion. So for example, Laura pulled belief, Jackie pulled family, Imani pulled friends, Malaysia pulled career, and Draya pulled social relations. Everyone was passion about their card except Draya, because she says everyone already views her in a negative way and when she tried to open up to the girls, but they did not take her serious.
The next game the girls played while their at the passion party was a word game. Everyone was to put a word to describe how they feel about each of the ladies in a box. For example, Jackie box contained motherly and godly, Imani box contained gorgeous energetic honorable, Malaysia box contained reserved flossy sassy, and Draya box contained animated sneaky and WORTHLESS. Jackie wanted to know who put worthless in Draya's box so she had an ideal for everyone to tell what word was placed in Draya's box and why. Well, we find out Imani is the one who put worthless in Draya's box (how can you call someone worthless when you barely even know them.) Imani did not want to discuss at that moment why she put that in Draya's box, but said she would tell once they can sit down and talk about it together.
You know I do not quite understand why Imani dislikes Draya, but only time shall tell.
Party with Draya
So Draya invited all the ladies to a club party and I'm not sure why Draya was acting so weird with Malaysia. It was kind of like she had a crush on her. Draya was all in her face telling her how pretty she is like a beauty queen, told the girl she wanted to pretty much take her place in the circle, because everyone considers Malaysia the baby of the group and then Draya had the nerve to Malaysia she wanted to see her privates. Hold up...Is she coming on to this girl? Can't wait until next week for episode three
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